Resident Watchdogs Monitor Shell Plastic Plant Pollution

The Shell Plastic Plant in Beaver, Pa. started up in 2022 bringing more air and water pollution to the Ohio River Valley.

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Hand holding a phone with Smell Pittsburgh app.
Climate change activists protesting at Pennsylvania State Capitol.

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In the News

In the Crucial Swing State of Pennsylvania, New Poll Finds 90% of Respondents Support Stricter Fracking Regulations

Making Steel with Clean Energy Would Curb Health Risks, Report Says

In the Fight to Decide the Fate of US Steel, Climate and Public Health Take a Backseat to Politics

Upcoming Events

Breathe Cam Highlights

Metalico Scrap Metal Fire, Neville Island – April 14, 2021

Residents reported noise, fire, and an explosion coming from this scrap metal operation.

Edgar Thomson Brown Plume – June 17, 2020

Braddock residents reported seeing a reddish plume coming from the U.S. Steel Edgar Thomson Plant in their community.

Clairton Coke Works Fire – Dec 24, 2019

U.S. Steel Clairton Coke Works on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2019, flames and an explosion was captured at the Clairton plant.

Johnny Perryman
Community Voices

Meet Johnny Perryman

I moved here to Clairton from Seattle when houses were cheap. People were so friendly. Then I found my health starting to decline. Some days I would get weak. I found out later that I would get weak on bad air days. In March 2019 my doctor told me to pack up and move but it is too hard for me to move now. We need to do something about the quality of life we have in Clairton.

Johnny Perryman's Communities

Uptown – Hill District

Washington County



Sewickley and Sewickley Valley


North Side

Indiana Township

East End – Squirrel Hill – Pittsburgh

Aerial View of Clariton neighborhood with rows of houses next to fracking plant






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Join us TODAY at Hosanna House for a special screening of Underwater Projects, a powerful documentary on urban flooding and housing displacement in Norfolk, Virginia. This story mirrors challenges faced by our own environmental justice communities right here in Pittsburgh.

Come enjoy free treats, drinks, and popcorn while gaining insights from our incredible local panelists, including Qiyam Ansair, Chavyasha Chaney, Gabriel Gray, and Curtis Davon. Let’s come together to learn, discuss, and explore solutions to the pressing issues facing our neighborhoods.

RSVP now! 👉

Bring a friend, and let’s dive into this environmental justice conversation! #UnderwaterProjects #EnvironmentalJustice #EJScreening #paneldiscussion #Pittsburgh

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1 day ago
Breathe Project

Allegheny County was in the top 10 worst airsheds in the U.S. for at least part of the day on 12 of 31 days in October! @alleghenyhealth needs increases on permits so polluters pay for this problem, not taxpayers. Call the council and ask them to VOTE YES on permit fee increases! ... See MoreSee Less

Allegheny County was in the top 10 worst airsheds in the U.S. for at least part of the day on 12 of 31 days in October! @alleghenyhealth needs increases on permits so polluters pay for this problem, not taxpayers. Call the council and ask them to VOTE YES on permit fee increases!
