Take Action

Credit: Mark Dixon

Nothing is more important in improving our air than the voice of our citizens. Breathe Project supports and promotes the work of Breathe Collaborative members.  We empower concerned individuals to take action on their own — and spread the word to friends and neighbors.

Featured Action

VOTE YES ON OPERATING PERMIT FEE INCREASES. IT WILL COST OUR TAXPAYERS NOTHING The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) has recommended increased fees to cover their staff costs for the operating permits that they are required to prepare for polluting industries. The Clean Air Act requires ACHD to charge fees that are sufficient to cover the cost of administering the program. The fee increase places the burden of covering these costs on the industries that are harming our health. It will cost taxpayers nothing.

What You Can Do

Phone with screen showing survey on Smell Pittsburgh app

Contact ACHD About Your Air Quality

Download the Smell App on your mobile device and report bad air when you smell it.

In Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, report an air problem to the Allegheny County Health Department using the preferred online form or call 412-687-ACHD.

Report Concerns on Shell Cracker

For Shell cracker issues or anything outside of Allegheny County, call in a complaint to the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 412-442-4184. For emergencies call 724-775-1700 or file a complaint form.

Shell Fracking plant illuminating night sky as glistening river in front of it reflects its light.
Newspaper with magnifying glass emphasizing the word, "cancer"

Write a Letter to the Editor/Op-Ed

The editorial page is one of the most widely read parts of the newspaper. A letter to the editor is usually about 100-200 words, and an op-ed is generally 600-800 words. Look up your paper’s letter submission process and carefully follow the instructions.

Contact Your State Rep

Call, email or visit your representatives at the local, state and national level and let them know what’s on your mind.

Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf, in front of podium.
Aerial view of fracking facility surrounded by green forestry.

Pennsylvania Citizen Toolkit

The Environmental Integrity Project is helping citizens, advocacy groups and elected officials prepare for expanding oil and gas operations. Find facts on operations, permitting approval processes and more.

How to Provide Public Comment

Submitting a written comment is a way to make a powerful impact in your community. The Group Against Smog and Pollution has an excellent guide to commenting on air permits for oil and natural gas facilities.

Black woman typing on laptop keyboard while working in office.
Climate change activists with signs while older man talks into microphone..

Attend A Public Meeting

Stay up to date on public meetings, permit hearings or other events through the Breathe Project. Attending or speaking at a public meeting or hearing will help ensure your voice is heard.